Tuesday, 29 March 2011

What nobody wanted to hear and I certainly wasn't expecting that!

My physiotherapist was really pleased with my improvements in just 7 days.  Mobility has improved immensely and I have done a solo drive to Worcester without any problems.  Health related anyway.  Did have to use breakdown cover to open the petrol cap on Bluebell.

Sadly my oncologist didn't have good news with the CT scan results.  This has confirmed the following findings.

Liver - Multiple low attenuation lesions scattered throughout all segments.  Typical of widespread hepatic metastatic disease
Ovary - Looks bulky.  May be related,  further investigation required. Oncologist is going to speak to the Gynae team. 

Bone - Single area in Lumber bone sclerotic /  is whiter then last scan (2009) A bone scan has been requested.  Have had blood test done today for base line results and another one will be done in 6 weeks time. 
Primary treatment is a monthly injection of Zoladex to switch off ovaries - no oestrogen being produced.  Then Amiridex tablets which works by reducing the amount of oestrogen that my body makes elsewhere in the body which the tumours are feeding off.  This is normally given to women who are post menopausal but I'm not, hence the Zoladex injection.

There are a few indiscrepencies between Anne's notes and the copy of the report I asked for so this is it for now.  My GP has already phoned me and arranged appointment for tomorrow to have my injection so I start the hormone therapy on Friday. 
Will let you know more when I do.  Holly does know as well and is dealing with it in her own way.  Me, I'm ok just want to move to the sea even more.

Sunday, 20 March 2011

10 Weeks post op

My wound is looking good but still need dressings and now using Caustic Silver Nitrate sticks to wipe over it to help dry it out.  Went to see my surgeon last Thursday in Bristol and firstly he apologised for the mess up's that I had experienced.  I couldn't respond as felt it wasn't his fault but did appreciate his remorsefulness.  I have physio and CT scans in Taunton on Tuesday.  The results of the CT scan will be reported back to me when I meet with my Oncologist on 29th March.  I delayed the removal of my Mirena coil by a week as my Dr said that wouldn't impact the test results my onc was after.  He spoke to her on my behalf and turns out there were other reasons why this was to be removed and she hadn't told me so I will take that up with her when I see her on the 29th.

On a lighter note my fabulous young daughter Holly has decided to do the race for life with my friends in Barnstable on Sunday 10th July.  Teri had decided she was going to do this for me and we were with her mum Karen on Saturday who said she was just going to watch.  Well from nowhere Holly piped up to Karen "I'll do it but only if you do too".  Well I was gobsmaked as currently I am struggling to get her enthused on anything that takes her away from the telly and here she was challenging Karen (yes I was relieved she wasn't challenging me).  I will set a permanat link to her sponsor page but in the meantime if you are able and want to please sponsor her using the following link.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

At long last the results are in!!!

Anne Bebb very kindly got me to the hospital for my 9am appointment.  In the waiting room the duty Breast Care nurse came and explained they were still chasing up the results from Bristol and asked to continue to the Breast Care centre for that team to check my back and the  results should be in by the time we return.  I couldn't believe my ears and not feeling confident this would be case.  This cannot be happening for the 3rd time surely.  3 months I have been waiting for these results to be explained and my questions answered.  I couldn't hide my disappointment and Anne was more vocal then me.  
Regardless we went across to the BCC and got seen and I could tell that despite the discomfort I'm in and the episodes of breath stopping pain I am experiencing, the nurse was delighted at how well my back looked and that both sides looked nearly the same.  The Dr turned up and agreed that it looked better then when he aspirated the fluid in February.  We discussed my pain and discomfort and they agreed it would be better for me to have physio.  I am working my right side more and not exercising my left.  Also feeling is coming back so I will feel the pain.  It made sense to me so waiting for another referral to be processed.
Off we trot back to see the Oncologist.  After apologising for earlier we could now discuss my options as the results were now in.  Went through summarising events since being diagnosed in December first, then she explained how she wanted to manage my treatment and why.
She is requesting CT scans for restaging.  Risk of other sites being affected are low but has to be certain.  Only if other tumours showed up would she recommend Chemo as Cruella's sister is the same as Cruella (Hormone receptive fed off oestrogen). Also the Sentinel Node Biopsy being clear, confirming no cancer cells detected escaping through the lymph system. Happy with that.
Radiotherapy - Only issue that hits the parameters for this is that there were lots of multi focal LCIS found in the breast tissue.  The largest size was 13mm (which was confirmed as cancer) and the trigger is 20mm.  - Wasn't expecting that but happy with her decision.
Hormone treatment - Well Tamoxifen was not effective so they want me to use Arimidex. Before I can take that they need to know if I am post menopausal.  I confirmed I have had 3 blood tests and no conclusions have been made. I have now been advised to have my Mirena coil removed in order to have another blood test.  I did question this last year and the response I got was that this wouldn't make any difference.  Hey ho what do I know!!  If I am pre menopausal I will be given an injection to switch off my ovaries.
Couldn't have asked for better outcome really despite the dodgy start. Feels like a big weight off my shoulders. Starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel...