Monday, 6 December 2010

Boob Op pt 2

Well, Sue was feeling a bit fractious this morning, but got to the hospital and booked in all ok.

She texted me to let me know she was last on the list, so she wouldn’t be in surgery till late afternoon. So very happy we had such a lovely dinner last night courtesy of The Bebbs.

Texts received throughout the day were full of the usual really interesting comments, such as, just been drawn on, bored, hungry, bored, thirsty, bored, ooh and the anaesthetist is moving to Taunton next year! 

Anyway, she’s out of surgery and back on the ward now, hopefully, all things being well, should be home some time tomorrow.

Rachel xx

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear all went well and that she is back in her room and resting now.xx
